
想要查詢目前Windows的PATH環境變數,可以透過 echo %PATH% 進行查詢

使用 SET PATH = 路徑 可以設定PATH環境變數,但視窗關閉後設定就失效了。下例: SET PATH = C:\JAVA\bin;%PATH%,新增C:\JAVA\bin這個路徑到環境變數中,多個路徑會使用分號(;) 進行區隔。此範例透過分號將新路徑(C:\JAVA\bin)和舊路徑(%PATH%)結合在一起。

設定方式: 開始 > 電腦 > 點擊右鍵 > 內容 > 進階系統設定 > 環境變數 > 在User的使用變數(U)系統變數(S) 中找到Path > 點擊編輯(I)...新增(N)... 便可以將要新增的路徑加入Path中。

註: 由於Path的尋找是循序漸進,最前方的Path最先採用。因此,新的Path建議加在前方,才會執行到你想要的工具程式。

[Java] 字串比較Method compareTo

compareTo 可用來比較兩字串是否相同,它屬於 Class String。當回傳值為0時,表示兩字串相等。

String string1;
String string2;
if (string1.compareTo(string2) == 0)

  • compareTo

    public int compareTo(String anotherString)
    Compares two strings lexicographically. The comparison is based on the Unicode value of each character in the strings. The character sequence represented by this String object is compared lexicographically to the character sequence represented by the argument string. The result is a negative integer if this String object lexicographically precedes the argument string. The result is a positive integer if this String object lexicographically follows the argument string. The result is zero if the strings are equal; compareTo returns0 exactly when the equals(Object) method would return true.This is the definition of lexicographic ordering. If two strings are different, then either they have different characters at some index that is a valid index for both strings, or their lengths are different, or both. If they have different characters at one or more index positions, let k be the smallest such index; then the string whose character at position k has the smaller value, as determined by using the < operator, lexicographically precedes the other string. In this case, compareTo returns the difference of the two character values at position k in the two string -- that is, the value:
    If there is no index position at which they differ, then the shorter string lexicographically precedes the longer string. In this case,compareTo returns the difference of the lengths of the strings -- that is, the value:
    Specified by:
    compareTo in interface Comparable<String>
    anotherString - the String to be compared.
    the value 0 if the argument string is equal to this string; a value less than 0 if this string is lexicographically less than the string argument; and a value greater than 0 if this string is lexicographically greater than the string argument.